This page contains links to things I’ve built over the years, largely related to data analysis, visualization and food. I hope you like them!

Software Projects

Killer Sudoku Combo Calculator (2021)

An empty killer Sudoku puzzle grid.

A simple Vue app that calculates possible combinations in killer Sudoku puzzles


You Killed a Bear (2020)

Cover for YKAB project

YKAB is a simple maze-escape game written with the micro-framework 24a2. This is an exercise in seeing if I could create an entertaining game on a simple grid of 24 x 24 pixels.


HP7475A Pen Plotter Art (2019)

Cover for pen plotter project

I figured out how to drive an old-school pen plotter from the 1980s and used to make various pieces of algorithmic art.


NFL Statsalyzer (2018)

Cover for NFL project

I combined tables of NFL data with Google’s chart API to produce a Gapminder style interactive visualization of how every team in the NFL has performed since the year 2000.


Nix Dependency Visualizer (2016)

Cover for Nix Visualizer project

I wrote a tool for software developers who use the Nix package manager, nix-visualize. This tool looks at your software and draws a tree of its dependencies, its dependencies dependencies, its dependencies dependencies dependencies, and so on, all the way down to the operating system.


Map of Software (2014)

Cover for map project

I used a web spider to crawl stack overflow for every tagged question. I then used this data to construct a huge graph showing how all of the different tags are related. In essence forming a topographical map of how all of computing is interrelated.


Measurement of the Hubble Parameter (2013)

Cover for hubble project

I did a literature survey of measurements of the Hubble constant (the number that describes how fast the Universe is expanding) and plotted the results on an interactive graph to show how our understanding of the Universe has evolved.


Food Projects

How I Bake Sourdough (2020-)

A closeup shot of some sourdough

I bake a lot of sourdough. Here are my collected learnings.


The Bread Baker’s Apprentice Challenge (2020)

Cover for the bread baker's apprentice challenge page

I’m baking every bread in the textbook “The Bread Baker’s Apprentice”, alphabetically.


Hot sauce collection (2010-)

Cover for the hot sauce list

I love hot sauce, and I keep track of all of it that I buy.


Other Projects

Homebrew Infra-red Photography (2010)

Cover for IR photography project

I converted my digital camera into an IR camera using some old over-exposed film negatives
